Libre Graphics Meeting


From the organisers: "Due to the pandemy and ongoing travel restrictions, we finally decided to postpone the Libre Graphics Meeting in Rennes to 2021. We are now evaluating the possibility to make an online event this year. Please stay tuned."

26-29 May 2020 add to your calendar
Different Places, Rennes, France OSM / geo
Community Event
Main language
English/French EN/FR
Their self-description

The 2020 Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) will take place from Tuesday May 26th to Friday May 29th in Rennes, France. This annual gathering is an opportunity for teams, contributors and users involved in Libre Graphics to work together, share experiences, and hear new and inspiring ideas. By Libre Graphics we mean "Free, Libre and Open Source tools for creative uses". LGM is not just about software, but extends to standards and file formats used in creative works. Participants in LGM are people from around the world who are passionate about Free/Libre tools and their creative applications, including developers, designers, artists, academics, and activists.

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