Connecting people via the most comprehensive collection of Free, Libre and/or Open Source Software events happening in Europe and online. Unity in diversity!

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20 AlpOSS fr in Echirolles, France by City of Echirolles
21-22 International FOSS Hackathon en in multiple cities, International by OS-SCi, FOSSTECH Projects
28-01 Winterkongress de in Winterthur, Switzerland by Digitale Gesellschaft CH


08 Teckids-Campdays de in Worms, Germany by Teckids-Gemeinschaft
10-11 FOSS Backstage en in Berlin, Germany by Plain Schwarz UG
11 Open Source Job Fair nl/en in Leuven, Belgium by ULYSSIS VZW
12 FOSS Backstage Design en in Berlin, Germany by Plain Schwarz UG
13-14 t3chfest es in Madrid, Spain by Volunteers
22-23 Chemnitzer Linuxtage de in Chemnitz, Germany by Individual Network Chemnitz
26-29 FOSSGIS 2025 de in Münster, Germany by FOSSGIS e.V.
26-29 FOSSGIS-Konferenz de in Hamburg, Germany by FOSSGIS e.V.
27 OC3 en in Berlin, Germany by Edgeless Systems
27 OC3 online en/de by Edgeless Systems in Berlin (Germany)


01-04 PyCamp España in Sevilla, Spain by Python España
01-02 Fediforum online en by Volunteers
03-05 DANTE Frühjahrstagung de in Darmstadt, Germany by DANTE e.V.

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 28.02.2025

07-08 sambaXP en in Göttingen, Germany by SerNet GmbH
14-15 foss-north en in Gothenburg, Sweden by Free Open Source Software North Conferences ek.för.

Take part in the Call for Participation.

14-15 foss-north en in Gothenburg, Sweden by Free Open Source Software North Conferences ek.för.
18-21 Easterhegg de in Hamburg, Germany by Chaos Computer Club Hamburg
25-26 GLT25 en/de in Graz, Austria by Verein der Grazer Linuxtage
25-26 Linux App Summit (LAS) en in Tirana, Albania by KDE Community , GNOME Foundation

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 21.02.2025

26 Augsburger Linux-Infotag de in Augsburg, Germany by Linux User Group Augsburg (LUGA)

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 01.03.2025

29-30 stackconf 2025 en in Munich, Germany by NETWAYS Event Services GmbH
30-04 BachoTeX en/pl in Brodnica, Poland by GUST

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 31.03.2025


15 Rencontres Professionnelles du Logiciel Libre fr in Lyon, France by Ploss-Ra
21-23 DORS/CLUC en in Zagreb, Croatia by HrOpen & Hulk

Take part in the Call for Participation.

23 Helvetic Ruby en in Geneva, Switzerland by Dimiter Petrov, Hana Harencarova

Take part in the Call for Participation.

23-25 Newline in Gent, Belgium by Gent hackerspace


15-17 Berlin Buzzwords en in Berlin, Germany by Plain Schwarz UG

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 23.02.2025

17-18 OW2Con'25 en in Paris, France

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 23.02.2025

19-22 23. Gulaschprogrammiernacht en/de in Karlsruhe, Germany by Entropia e.V. - CCC Karlsruhe
20-21 Opensouthcode es in Malaga, Spain

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 31.03.2025

26-28 openSUSE Conference en in Nürnberg, Germany by openSUSE project

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 30.04.2025


01-03 Pass the SALT en in Lille, France
05 Tübix de in Tübingen, Germany
14-20 FOSS4G Europe 2025 en in Mostar, Europe by OSGeo, Ecoplan, University of Mostar

Take part in the Call for Participation.

15-20 Fedicamp en/de in Gedelitz, Germany by No OU.
16-23 Bornhack da/en in Funen, Denmark

Take part in the Call for Participation.


08-12 why2025 nl/en in Geestmerambacht, Netherlands by IFCAT

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 25.05.2025

16-17 FrOSCon 20 de in Sankt Augustin, Germany by FrOSCon e.V.

Take part in the Call for Participation.

22-29 ConTeXt meeting en in Chmielno, Poland by context group, Ryszard Kubiak
28-31 WAMP de in Rotenhain, Germany by Westwoodlabs e.V.


31-02 eth0 nl/en in Someren, Netherlands by Stichting eth0

Take part in the Call for Participation. Deadline: 01.10.2025


18-20 Open Source Monitoring Conference en/de in Nuremberg, Germany

Take part in the Call for Participation.


If you know about an event that is not yet listed here and it matches the criteria, please contribute. For any questions get in contact.

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