about: // foss.events
// foss.events connects people via the most comprehensive collection of Free, Libre and/or Open Source Software events happening in Europe and online.
Our vision is to create a Free Software/Open Source community calendar, with www.foss.events as an instance that is run by the community and for the community, a calendar that everyone can use, study, share and improve.
Our calendar is data-driven and value-driven to help people finding events of their specific interests and favorites. Everyone can help with adding events or individual data on // foss.events. You can run your own version or find our values in diversity and our criteria of selection.
In future, we envision // foss.events to not only help people finding their events but to also help people connecting at these events. People who would like to join an event should also be able to find car shares, flat welcomes, talk buddies and more. We believe in the power of connecting the right people at the right time.
Our software will always be Free Software/Open Source and shall be built with(in) connection to the fediverse. If you like our ideas, please contribute.
Use, study, share and improve. Together.
If you know of an event that matches our criteria and you do not yet see it in our list of events, please contribute.
Adding a new event
Adding a new event is as easy as pressing "Add a new event" button on the front-pager or directly hereafter and fill out the web-form:
We are working on making the web form as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. If you need help filling out the data, please have a look at our help page.
Adding a new version of a recurring event
If you are about adding a new version of a recurring event (e.g. FOSDEM), you can visit the event page of the last edition of this event and click "Create new event based on this event" on the bottom of said page. You will be directed to the web-form with the data of last year's edition pre-filled and simply need to update the data that has changed (like the date, obiviously) but leave the data that has not changed (like the name, obviously).
Updating an existing event
If you like to change or update data of an existing event, simply click the "Edit this event" button on the bottom of the page. You will be directed to the web-form with the event's data filled in and simply need to update the data that you like to change.
Help developing
If you are a developer and like to help develop // foss.events check out our issue tracker and get in contact. Also you are welcome to join our Matrix community room and talk / discuss any event or devloppment there.
Thank you so much for your contribution!
There are reasons and arguments why some people prefer FOSS over FLOSS or vice versa, why some refer to Open Source and others to Free Software or Libre Software. And who knows, potentially in the next decade even a new term will be created ... (We heard sustainable software is an upcoming candidate.)
At // foss.events we love this diversity. All these terms have their relevance and they allow us to put slightly different emphasis on the same technologies and ideals. Because apart from the actual naming and the details in the semantics, all these names technically refer to the same kind of software and sharing culture: Software that is published under a license that grants any user the 4 freedoms to use, study, share and improve the software without limitations. That is why on // foss.events we will not prefer one name over the other and in case we use one, it is representative to all the others.
Unity in diversity: No matter the name, if your event is about the four freedoms of software your event is part of // foss.events!
All event-data on // foss.events is collected by hand, or shared with us by the community. We try to regularly re-check the content on the site but in any case we guarantee neither completeness nor correctness of the data shown. In doubt, please confirm with the information given on the event's own website. If you find an inaccuracy on our site, please help to fix it by contributing. Please find our criteria for valid events beloow and a legend to understand our data on our help page
One important part of // foss.events is to create and share the most comprehensive collection of Free, Libre and/or Open Source Software events in Europe and online (read more about what we understand as a FOSS event). That means we only list events that are happening in Europe or online but that are organised by an association or any group of people with their physical representation and cultural activity being in Europe.
We know that there is also a need for a similar calendar in other parts of the world and we will probably come up with versions that focus on other parts of the world in the future. But we have to focus on Europe as long as we are still developing the software and do not find the time to maintain an international list. And also we want to focus on one continent as we want to connect people beyond their events.
Valid "events" are all kinds of conferences and unconferences, hackmeetings, *-a-thons, camps, festivals, exhibitions and other kind of events - as long as they match the following criteria:
- only events that happen in Europe or online but are organised by a group of people / organisation in Europe.
- only events that are open for the general public. Entrance fee is ok, but events shall be accessible for everyone to participate and in particular not be restricted to a specific group like the members of a specific group, organisation or similar.
- only "full-day" events. As a rule of thumb, that means events that happen at least 6-8 hours or more.
If you know about a Free, Libre and/or Open Source Software event in Europe that matches this criteria and is not yet in our list, please contribute.
All code of the software running // foss.events is Free Software/Open Source licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL 3) and published on Codeberg.
All data on https://foss.events is open data and copyleft. The databases are licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Any individual content of these databases - except any values in the field "Self-description" - is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA. (more details)That means that you are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit "// foss.events" and so its contributors and link back to our page. If you alter or build software upon our data, you have to re-publish the data from this page as Open Data.
If you use our data, please get in touch we would love to hear about your cool project!
All data in /data/, especially all files following the name scheme *_events_db.csv is made available under the Open Database License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in individual contents of these databases - except any values in the field "Self-description" - are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
If you reuse our data, you have to state that this data is from // foss.events and link back to its source - its respective page on https://www.foss.events.
Content in the field "Self-description" is usually copied and pasted from the organiser's or event's webpage. All rights to this material remain with the original authors.
All rights and trademarks on logos and pictures reused on https://foss.events/ to be shown on the page, remain with the respective rightholders.
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Freedom Privacy Sustainability Diversity
What started as a simple list, written in an Etherpad and shared in the Fediverse has grown into a database-driven web-project for and by the FOSS community to help connecting people via their own community events. If you are interested to help us, see our contribute section or get in contact. Also drop by once in a while to enjoy the latest features : )
We believe in the 4 freedoms to use, study, share and improve any software. Our code is handmade and published as FOSS under AGPLv3. All data is published as open data, all text is published CC-BY-SA 4.0.
// foss.events does not track you. We do not collect any data or behaviour on our sites. The Electronic Frontiers Foundation's Privacy Badger gives us a Hooray for Privacy:

// foss.events supports de-Googlization. Our website is self-coded [↑] and we do not use Google for anything! Google tracking exposed confirms: No analysis, no trackers, no ads.

// foss.events is hosted using Green Energy:
Whenever you feel like giving us your feedback, you have a good idea or you want to give us a digital hug, you can simply send us an email. Also consider following us on Mastodon to enjoy our toots around the latest news from foss-events in Europe.
// foss.events is a project for and by FOSS enthusiasts and everyone who seeks living in a Free Society. Currently it is run by some friendly Free Software geeks who simply feel like doing what we feel to be good. You can join if you like. If you are looking for direct contact, reach out to Erik Albers (concept) or Michael Weimann (technical lead).
The domain foss.events was initially registered and run by OpenRheinRuhr e.V. and later generously shared with // foss.events. Thank you so much for this priceless contribution!
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