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FOSS4G BE+NL 2024 - Free and Open Software for Geospatial Belgium + the Netherlands

25-27 September 2024 add to your calendar
Cultuur Centrum Baarle, Baarle-Hertog (B) & Baarle-Nassau (NL), Belgium OSM / geo
Main language
Dutch/English/French nl/en/fr
Their self-description

This year, OSGeo Netherlands and OSGeo Belgium are joining forces with a joint FOSS4G conference! Of course, only one place is really suitable for this: the border. Or rather: borders. Our conference location is in both the Netherlands (Baarle Nassau) and Belgium (Baarle Hertog)!

FOSS4G conferences cover all kinds of topics related to geospatial information and earth observation, from Software development to Transition to FOSS4G, Use cases and applications, Education and research and Open data.

This event is for all kinds of people interested in sharing experiences about maps, from developers who write code to users of geomatics software, people who make decisions, researchers, students and anyone who wants to learn, share and meet like GIS interested people.

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Call for Participation
The deadline for this CfP passed on 22.07.2024.

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