Swiss PGDay 2024

27-28 June 2024 add to your calendar
OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil, Switzerland OSM / geo
Community Event,Project Event,Regional Day
Main language
English/German en/de
Their self-description

This conference is all about PostgreSQL - the world's most advanced open source database. Take the opportunity to meet with other people interested in PostgreSQL in Switzerland.

This year's Swiss PGDay will last two days with two tracks of presentations, in English and German. At least one of the presentations will be in English at all times. At the end of the first day (Thursday), all participants are invited to a social event to enjoy networking and personal exchange. The conference is suitable for everyone, from novices to experts and from back office staff to decision makers.

There will also be a poster exhibition and lightning talks where participants can share their projects, ideas and use cases.

Main organiser
Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group
Standard participation fee
155 €
# of participants last time
Call for Participation
The deadline for this CfP passed on 08.04.2024.
Code of Conduct
First edition held in

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