Electromagnetic Field


With great regret, we have to announce that Electromagnetic Field 2020 is cancelled. The continuing spread of COVID-19 makes it very unlikely the UK will be back to business as usual" by July. Continuing to organise EMF 2020 would put our attendees’ money, our volunteers, and our organisation at risk.

EMF will return in summer 2022, as scheduled. If you have a ticket for EMF 2020, you are eligible for a full refund and a guaranteed ticket to EMF 2022. Read more in the Electromagnetic Field's Blogpost.


24-26 July 2020 add to your calendar
Eastnor Castle Deer Park, Eastnor, United Kingdom OSM / geo
Camping, Community Event
Main language
English EN
Their self-description

Electromagnetic Field is a non-profit UK camping festival for those with an inquisitive mind or an interest in making things: hackers, artists, geeks, crafters, scientists, and engineers.

A temporary town of more than two thousand like-minded people enjoying a long weekend of talks, performances, and workshops on everything from blacksmithing to biometrics, chiptunes to computer security, high altitude ballooning to lockpicking, origami to democracy, and online privacy to knitting.

To help matters along, we provide fast internet, power to the tent, good beer, and amazing installations, entirely organised by a dedicated team of volunteers.

Main organiser
Standard participation fee
140 GBP €
# of participants last time
2000 (+)

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