Linux Bierwanderung


Unfortunately, owed to current circumstances, this year's event orignally planned to take place at the end of August in Kronberg, Germany has been cancelled.

30 August - 05 September 2020 add to your calendar
Kronberg, Germany OSM / geo
Main language
English EN
Their self-description

A Linux Bier Wanderung (engl. Linux Beer Hike) is a week-long event typically held in a small town in Europe where a group of like-minded open source enthusiasts gather to share knowledge, hike, enjoy various liquid refreshments (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) and first and foremost have fun! Everybody is expected to look after their own travel logistics including accommodation but the website promoting the event (including this one) typically offers some guidance and provides information about where to look and what to expect. The event is generally free of charge (ie. no registration fee or similar) but the costs of the Hall (rented by the organiser(s) of the event) is shared between the participants. The central purpose of the Hall is to serve as a base camp for the various activities and as a gathering place for meeting, sharing ideas, talks, etc. You can find more details here. There is also a mailing list covering various topics around the LBW and is used for communication between evetns (may require registration).

But back to this year's LBW and its location. With miles of well-kept trails and numerous sites, the Taunus is the ideal location for a week of hiking and other fun activities. Frankfurt with its variety of (craft) beer places is only half an hour away by public transport; Germany's biggest airport is only an hour by train. In addition to these amenities, Kronberg fulfils the following basic LBW rules:

  1. The hamlet must be able to be crossed within a short amount of time either on two or four legs.
  2. One cannot get lost regardless of the state of intoxication.
  3. The location must be remote enough to sever most ties with hipster urbanism.
  4. It must have at least seven establishments which are serving as PotDs during the week.
  5. A hall with decent internet connection and stable power supply is a prerequisite.
Main organiser
Standard participation fee
Participants are asked for a donation of ~30 Euro €

In the morning we will usually meet in the hall, which serves as a meeting point for the week. There will likely be notices up for planned walks, excursions, talks, or other events. You can head off on one of these, or relax in the hall. In the evening a pub-of-the-day will be selected, and we will head there for food and drink. This year we have a kitchen in the hall, so cooking together there may well happen.

# of participants last time

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