Grazer Linuxtage

09-10 April 2021 add to your calendar
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Main language
German DE
Their self-description

Grazer Linuxtage is a conference taking place anually in Graz.Grazer Linuxtage is fully organized by volunteers. We want to offer the possibility to get informed about open source software and open source hardware. TU Graz provides the location, while our incurring expenses for printing, hosting, shirts and advertisment are covered by sponsors. Grazer Linuxtage is dealing with more than just Linux. By now, we are dealing with everything concerning the use of free software. Here, both, beginners and advanced users will find a number of lectures informative lectures.

Main organiser
Standard participation fee
Zero €
# of participants last time
Around 800 participants in the last offline event in 2019.
Call for Participation
The deadline for this CfP passed on 05.02.2021.

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