OSS2021 - 17th International Conference on Open Source Systems

12-13 May 2021 add to your calendar
LUT University Lahti Campus, Lahti, Finland OSM / geo
Science Event
Main language
English EN
Their self-description

The 17th edition of the International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2021), true to the conference traditions, will be a holistic forum on the advances in the theory and practice of FLOSS, for people from very diverse backgrounds. All traditional OSS topics will be covered and welcome (see full list below). In addition, OSS 2021 will have a special focus on large-scale open source, covering topics such as, but not limited to:

  • The use of FLOSS in large organizations, including private for-profit corporations, major non-profit organizations, large public administrations, etc.
  • The migration to FLOSS from proprietary systems in said large organizations.
  • The development and maintenance of very large FLOSS systems, such as individual software products made of multi-million lines of code or entire software ecosystems encompassing tens of thousand components.
  • The study and analysis of very large FLOSS systems, as defined above, focusing on traits such as evolution, quality, and health, of both the systems themselves and the associated communities.
  • Wide-area collaboration and peer production using FLOSS and/or aimed at developing them. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, experience reports about how FLOSS systems have enabled remote work, remote conferences, or remote collaboration will be particularly welcome.

OSS 2021 will bring together people from industry and academia to share experiences and ideas as well as to provide an archival source for scholarly papers on FLOSS topics. The conference will also inform and educate practitioners, identify directions for further research, and offer a platform for ongoing technology transfer.

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Call for Participation
The deadline for this CfP passed on 03.01.2021.

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