Hack the Earth

01-04 June 2023 add to your calendar
Calafou, Calafou, Spain OSM / geo
Community Event
Main language
Spanish ES
Their self-description

Recipes, conjurations and remedies for transfeminist futuretopies

The industrial colonies and textile factories of the river Anoia represent the origin of local extractivism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A steampunk nightmare of human exploitation and ecocide. An invention to exploit the river's energy and resources, which at the same time sought to seduce workers and isolate them, far from the workers' movements that were organised in the cities. A century later, some of these spaces have become self-managed infrastructures that work for their autonomy and provide spaces for projects of social transformation.

In order to resurrect from these ruins and give new meaning to an abandoned heritage, remedies are needed. We need recipes that help us to heal these spaces from the predatory past. Conjure up nature with the human life that swarms along the riverbank with appropriate remedies and recipes. Those that are of use, and that arise from particular, casimàgic contexts, and allow us to survive the rust and the rubble, the humidity and the cold stone.

That is why this year, from Hack the Earth (HLT) we call on all those who work to decolonise the future and take it away from the hooves of capitalism. Whether through appropriate technologies, food sovereignty, environmental preservation, transfeminisms, the re-signification of memory or other anti-patricapitalist struggles. A call for radical imaginaries, recipes and remedies with which to remedy industrial toxicity and build together the futures we want.

Main organiser
Standard participation fee
50€ €

This event is a full-time experience in the coutryside, where attendees eat, share and live together for three days. Sleeping in tents or in multi-bed rooms.

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