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Hackmeeting (es) - Hackmeeting Ibérico

26-29 September 2024 add to your calendar
Oreretako gaztetxea, Gaztaño (Orereta), Spain OSM / geo
Community Event,Unconference
Main language
Spanish es
Their self-description



Hackmeeting es el encuentro anual de las contraculturas digitales de la peninsula Iberica, de aquellas comunidades que analizan de manera crítica los mecanismos de desarollo de las tecnologías en nuestra sociedad. Pero hackmeeting no es sólo esto, es mucho más. Te lo contamos al oído, no se lo digas a nadie, el hackmeeting es solamente para verdaderos hackers, para quienes quieran gestionarse la vida como quieran y luchan por eso, aunque no hayan visto un ordenador en su vida.

Tres días de charlas, juegos, fiestas, debates, intercambios de ideas y aprendizaje colectivo, para analizar juntxs las tecnologías que usamos todos los días, cómo cambian y cómo pueden impactar en nuestras vidas, tanto reales como virtuales. Un encuentro para indagar qué papel podemos jugar en este cambio y liberarnos del control de aquellos que quieren monopolizar su desarrollo, rompiendo nuestras estructuras sociales y relegándonos a espacios virtuales cada vez más limitados.

El evento es totalmente autogestionado: no hay ni organizador@s ni asistentes, solamente participantes!


Hackmeeting is the annual meeting of the digital countercultures of the Iberian peninsula, of those communities that critically analyse the mechanisms of development of technologies in our society. But hackmeeting is not only this, it is much more. We tell you in your ear, don't tell anyone, hackmeeting is only for real hackers, for those who want to manage their life the way they want and fight for it, even if they have never seen a computer in their life.

Three days of talks, games, parties, debates, exchanges of ideas and collective learning, to analyse together the technologies we use every day, how they change and how they can impact our lives, both real and virtual. A meeting to explore what role we can play in this change and free ourselves from the control of those who want to monopolise its development, breaking our social structures and relegating us to increasingly limited virtual spaces.

The event is completely self-organised: there are neither organisers nor attendees, only participants!

#hackmeeting #hm24 #hackstañazo
Standard participation fee
0 €

Main languages will be Basque (Euskara) and Spanish. Also Catalan, Italian, English, probably. There will be a translation team.

# of participants last time
Call for Participation
The deadline for this CfP passed on 19.09.2024.
First edition held in
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