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OpenFest - OpenFest 2024

This edition's topic: Back to the source
02-03 November 2024 add to your calendar
Sofia Tech Park, forum John Atanasoff, Sofia, Bulgaria OSM / geo
Community Event,Festival
Main language
Bulgarian bg
Their self-description

OpenFest is a bustling two-day celebration of all things open-source that brings together enthusiasts, developers and innovators. No matter whether you are a seasoned professional or a beginner, OpenFest offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of open technology and collaborative creation in all dimensions.

Фестът е оживен двудневен празник на всичко с отворен код, който събира ентусиасти, разработчици и новатори. Независимо дали сте опитен професионалист или начинаещ, OpenFest предлага уникална възможност да се потопите в света на отворените технологии и съвместното творчество във всички измерения.

#OpenFest #OpenFest2024 #BackToTheSource
Main organiser
Standard participation fee
# of participants last time
Call for Participation
The deadline for this CfP passed on 07.09.2024.
#OpenSource #FOSS #OSHW #OpenArt #OpenData #OpenBiz #Freedom #Education #Workshop


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