Capital Series Poland

11 June 2025 add to your calendar
Warsaw, Poland
Community Event
Main language
English/Polish en/pl
Their self-description

Sign up now to join OpenForum Europe and partners for the next edition of the Capital Series events, taking place in Warsaw on 11 June 2025 under the auspices of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Marking the sixth installment of our cyclical events, Capital Series Poland will bring Brussels-level discussions of open source policy directly to Warsaw. This will provide a unique opportunity for the local open source community to directly engage with EU and national policymakers to better understand policies that impact the Polish market. The discussions will cover digitalisation, cybersecurity, AI, skills, and digital sovereignty in the context of the Polish Presidency of the Council.

Capital Series events are single-day, high-level policy gatherings dedicated to advancing open source policy priorities in alignment with the objectives of the member states holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU. The Series builds on the OFE’s annual EU Open Source Policy Summit in Brussels to further connect the dots between the EU and national policy cycles.

#policy #OSpolicy #capitalseries
Main organiser
OpenForum Europe
Standard participation fee
Online Interactivity
# of participants last time
Call for Participation
Take part. Deadline: 10.06.2025
First edition held in

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