why2025 - What Hackers Yearn 2025

08-12 August 2025 add to your calendar
Geestmerambacht, Netherlands OSM / geo
Community Event,Camping,Festival
Main language
Dutch/English nl/en
Their self-description

WHY2025 is a nonprofit outdoors hacker camp taking place in Geestmerambacht, the Netherlands (approx 42km above Amsterdam), on 8-12 August 2025. The event is organised for and by volunteers from the worldwide hacker community. Knowledge sharing, technological advancement, experimentation, connecting with your hacker peers, forging friendships and hacking (everything from computers to food) are at the core of this event.

WHY2025 is the successor of GHP, HEU, HIP, HAL, WTH, HAR, OHM, SHA, and MCH making it the tenth event in the series, continuing the quadrennial hacker camp tradition in The Netherlands since 1989, a proper milestone!

This is What Hackers Yearn (for) 2025!

Similar international events are 🇬🇧 Electromagnetic Field, 🇩🇰 Bornhack,🇧🇪 Fri3d Camp and 🇩🇪 Chaos Communication Camp.

All information about the event, including location, volunteering, organisation, and team details, can be found on the WHY2025 wiki.

Main organiser
Standard participation fee
362 €
# of participants last time
Call for Participation
Take part. Deadline: 25.05.2025
Code of Conduct
First edition held in

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