Edit Open Source Event Lochal

Mandatory data

The common name of an event that we use to display in lists (e.g. on the home page) and other forms of visualizations. This should be the name people usually refer to when they speak about this event. For help, please have a look at our help page.
The full name of an event without abbreviations. For more information, please have a look at our help page.
The Homepage / URL of the event. Please use a specific URL / Permalink if possible, not a generic one. For example 2023.event.org or www.event.org/2023/ is better as www.event.org
Please select the day the event starts.
Please select the day the event ends. Can be the same as the start date in case of one-day events.
Markdown accepted. A concise description of the event from one sentence up to some paragraphs. Please do not write the description yourself! The text should be copied from the event's page and if possible be in English - if there is no English language version available you can copy & paste the description in the event's local language. See our help page for more information.
Please choose if the event is a physical-only event, an online-only event or a hybrid of both.


The city in that the event happens.
The country of the city in that the event takes place. Please choose from the list.
Name of the venue in that the event happens. This could be any kind from congress center to a university to a local space.
The Open Streetmap link that shows the venue of the event. Probably this is a unique identifier in OSM, if not you can simply use the link that corresponds to the location's lat and lon. You can find out this link by right-clicking any point on Open Streetmap and choose "show address". See our help page for more information.
The latitude of the location where the event happens. Latitude and Longitude of the event is important for // foss.events as we use this data to show the point on the OSM map on each individual event's side. You can find out lat and lon by right-clicking any point on Open Streetmap and choose "show address". See our help page for more information.
The longitude of the location where the event happens. Latitude and Longitude of the event is important for // foss.events as we use this data to show the point on the OSM map on each individual event's side. You can find out lat and lon by right-clicking any point on Open Streetmap and choose "show address". See our help page for more information.

Other important data

A url with the call for participation for speakers etc.
The deadline for the call for participation to apply in format year-month-day.
The Standard participation fee if you buy a standard ticket without discount, early bird, support ticket etc. Please put your value in Euro or an approximate value in Euro if you need to convert it from another currency.
A link to a registration form to buy a ticket in advance, if necessary.

Please choose the default languages of the event. Be aware, that the default language means the main language of the talks given, not of the visitors. The main language is English, for example, in case all talks are in English although the visitors might also speak mainly another (local) language.
An URL that shows the code of conduct of the event.
Markdown accepted. Type in anything that is special about this event and not similar to other events. This should be something with organisational value and open for everyone attending. A "speakers dinner" before the event for example does not qualify as it is not open to everyone attending. A special guest or an important keynote does not qualify either as this is nothing of organisational importance but rather content. Specialties that could be mentioned are for example an award ceremony, a public pre- or afterparty, an open speaker's corner and similar things. See our help page for more information.
Person(s) or association(s) who are mainly organising the event. Can be multiple.

Additional information

An estimated or official number of visitors this event happened the last time.
The hashtag(s) the organisers of the event decided to use as official hashtag for this event
No banner, yet

At // foss.events we try to sort events in different types to help people find their favorite events. See our help page for more information.
Any topic of an event, for example "Back to root" at the Easterhegg 2023.
Fill in proper Tags here, depending on the event. For example "#security", "#linux", "#inclusion" etc.
Persons or associations who are mainly sponsoring the event. Can be multiple. To avoid having an endless list, stick to the main sponsors. This could be the top (e.g. "gold") sponsors for example in case there are different levels of sponsorship.
The year when the first edition of the event has happened. You can also include a link here to a first edition, if the URL still exists. See our help page for more information.

Technologies - for hybrid and online events only

Please create a comma-separated list of the technologies that are used for running this event online. For example Jitsi, Big Blue Button, Rocket Chat, Matrix. Technologies can also be platforms like peertube or youtube.
Markdown accepted.
Please specify how online participants can interact with organisers and/or with each other.
Please let us know the universal time zone in that your event happens.

And a last thing: social accounts

URL of the event's Mastodon account - latest toots will be shown on the event's page
URL of the event's Matrix room
Markdown accepted.

Revision Info