rC3 – remote Chaos Experience

27-30 December 2020 add to your calendar
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Main language
German DE
Their self-description

This year, CCC hosts the Remote Chaos Experience (rC3) instead of an on-site event in Leipzig. This endeavor requires creativity, joy of experimentation and active support.

A face-to-face event with 17,000 people will be neither responsible nor legally feasible this year. But after this tedious and painful 2020, we really deserve a nice finale! This is why the rC3 – Remote Chaos Experience will be held. As much as virtually possible, we want to convey the joy, content, togetherness and wonderful madness that make up a Chaos Communication Congress.

Hackers are used to remote work and online meetings. This makes our annual face-to-face meetings all the more important. Of course, it will be difficult to re-enact online all the things that make Congress what it is for us. But then someone said it would be impossible. Our ambition was aroused.

Just like every year, we want to see the concentrated energy and creativity of hackers with dedication. What can I expect?

rC3 will be a variety of distributed small local events in hackspaces with a joint program of streamed talks, online workshops, art, culture and various forms of networked togetherness..

Main organiser
Chaos Computer Club
Standard participation fee
? €
Technologies in use
To be defined.
Online Interactivity
To be defined.
User's freedom

To be defined.

# of participants last time
17.000 – Now first time online
First edition held in

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