Wireless Community Weekend - Freifunk Wireless Community Weekend 2022

27-29 May 2022 add to your calendar
M18 - Haus der Studierenden, Weimar, Germany OSM / geo
Their self-description

The 17th edition of the Wireless Community Weekend will be the same as what we planned for 2020. WCW goes Bauhaus and will take place in Weimar, Thuringia. From the 27th of May to the 29h of May the Freifunk community will meet with their guests to create an unconference and hackathon.

The event is hosted and supported by Studierendenkonvent der Bauhaus-Universität, Café S140, Maschinenraum, Weimarnetz e.V. and Förderverein freie Netzwerke e.V..

Due to the ongoing pandemic, there will probably be some restrictions like daily testing, wearing face masks, and a people limit for indoor events. We may also need to contact you and send you an official invite.

Main organiser
Förderverein Freie Netzwerke e.V.
Standard participation fee
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