
This edition's topic: Reliable and Predictable Open Source Software
08-09 June 2022 add to your calendar
Orange Gardens Innovation Center, Paris, France OSM / geo
Business Event
Main language
English EN
Their self-description

The central theme of OW2con this year is: "Reliable and Predictable Open Source Software". As open source becomes more mature it expands toward more commercial and more business-like segments. By moving up the layers of corporate information systems - from the operating system up to the business applications - open source software is increasingly used by non-IT specialists. The challenge for skilled community developers and professional development teams is to address the needs of the mainstream market with reliable, predictable and well supported industry-grade open source software. Similarly, users must learn how to manage open source professionally so as to adopt open source in a way that is also reliable and predictable. OW2con'22 will address the many challenges of ensuring reliable and predictable open source software.

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The deadline for this CfP passed on 27.02.2022.

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