OpenForum Academy Symposium

28 November 2023 add to your calendar
TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany OSM / geo
Science Event
Main language
English en
Their self-description

As of today there is no academic conference covering questions relating to the social, political and economic impact of Open Source. This hampers the linking of research agendas, growth of the research area, and the societal understanding of the value of the Open Source ecosystem as a whole. The OpenForum Academy Symposium (OFA) fills this space.

After a successful first, virtual edition in 2021, the OFA Symposium 2023 will bring together an interdisciplinary set of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world to Berlin, in order to explore the transformative power of Open Source Software and Hardware.

At the OFA Symposium, we will examine the social, political, and economic implications of open source. We will explore how open source is changing the way we work, communicate, and interact with each other, and how it is shaping the future of technology and society.

The Symposium will feature a diverse and group of speakers and participants, including researchers, policymakers, developers, and activists. We believe that the OFA Symposium will provide a unique and valuable opportunity for learning, collaboration, and networking.

We hope you will join us for this exciting event, and look forward to exploring the social, political, and economic impact of Open Source together.

Main organiser
OpenForum Europe
Standard participation fee
# of participants last time
Call for Participation
The deadline for this CfP passed on 12.06.2023.
Code of Conduct
First edition held in

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