Connecting people via the most comprehensive collection of Free, Libre and/or Open Source Software events happening in Europe and online. Unity in diversity!


Upcoming in 2024


19-20 Sonoj Convention en/de in Cologne, Germany by OSAMC
24-26 DrupalCamp Spain 2024 en/es in Benidorm, Spain by Asociación Española de Drupal
25-27 Ubuntu Summit en in The Hague, the Netherlands by Canonical
25-27 NixCon 2024 en in Berlin, Germany
25-27 Jesień Linuksowa pl in Rybnik, Poland by Polska Grupa Użytkowników Linuksa (PLUG)


02 Tux-Tage de by
02-03 OpenFest bg in Sofia, Bulgaria by OpenFest
08-09 SFSCON en in Bozen, Italy by NOI Techpark
09-10 FOSSCOMM en/el in Thessaloniki, Greece by
19-21 Open Source Monitoring Conference en in Nuremberg, Germany
20-21 InnerSource Summit 2024 en by InnerSource Commons Team
23 Open Source Event Lochal nl/en in Tilburg, the Netherlands


27-30 38. Chaos Communication Congress en/de in Hamburg, Germany by Chaos Computer Club
Add a new event

If you know about an event that is not yet listed here and it matches the criteria, please contribute. For any questions get in contact.

Past events in 2024


12-13 // Hackathon en in Frankfurt, Germany by Volunteers
19-20 WordCamp Zaragoza 2024 es in Zarargoza, Spain
23-25 Creative Freedom Summit en by Fedora Design Team
26-29 P2P Basel en in Basel, Switzerland


01 CHAOSScon Europe en in Brussels, Belgium by CHAOSS Project
01-02 XMPP Summit en in Brussels, Belgium by XMPP Standards Foundation
02 The EU Open Source Policy Summit en in Brussels, Belgium by Open Forum Europe
02 FOSDEM PGDay en in Brussels, Belgium
02 FreeCAD and KiCAD meeting day en in Brussels, Belgium by The FreeCAD project association
02 FOSS license and security compliance tools en in Brussels, Belgium by AboutCode
03 ByteNight en in Brussels, Belgium by Hackerspace Brussels
03-04 FOSDEM en in Brussels, Belgium by Fosdem Team
03-04 OFFDEM en in Brussels, Belgium by Petites Singularités
05-07 Config Management Camp en in Ghent, Belgium by CfgMgmtCamp Team
06-07 State of Open Con en in London, United Kingdom by Open UK
24 Prague Python Pizza in Prague, Czech Republic by Volunteers
24-25 OSM Hack Weekend en/de in Karlsruhe, Germany by Geofabrik


01-02 Winterkongress de in Winterthur, Switzerland by Digitale Gesellschaft CH
02 SobTec ca/es in Barcelona, Spain by Grup Promotor de Sobirania Tecnològica
03-10 MiniDebCampHamburg 2024 en/de in Hamburg, Germany
04-05 FOSS Backstage 2024 en in Berlin, Germany by Plain Schwarz
06 Open Source Job Fair nl/en in Leuven, Belgium by ULYSSIS VZW
06-07 ORTCommunityDays en in Berlin, Germany
07-08 Open Source Day 2024 it in Florence, Italy by Schrödinger Hat
14-15 t3chfest es in Madrid, Spain by Volunteers
16-17 Chemnitzer Linuxtage de in Chemnitz, Germany by Individual Network Chemnitz
19-20 Fediforum 2024 by Volunteers
20-23 FOSSGIS-Konferenz 2024 de in Hamburg, Germany by FOSSGIS e.V.
20-24 Rencontres Amicales Francophones du Logiciel Libre fr in Montpellier, France by Montpel’libre and API: Action of Public Interest
21 AlpOSS fr in Echirolles, France by City of Echirolles
23-24 WordCamp Torrelodones 2024 es in Torrelodones, Spain
27-28 OER24 en in Cork, Ireland by Association for Learning Technology
29-01 Easterhegg de in Regensburg, Germany by Binary Kitchen
29-01 PyCamp España in Girona, Spain by Python España


04-06 DANTE 2024 de in Weimar, Germany by DANTE e.V.
05-06 Grazer Linuxtage 2024 en/de in Graz, Austria by Verein Grazer Linuxtage
06-07 Gnome 46 Release Party en in Berlin, Germany by Volunteers
15-16 foss-north en in Gothenburg, Sweden by Free Open Source Software North Conferences ek.för.
18 Open Source Camp on Kubernetes de in Nuremberg, Germany by NETWAYS Event Services
20 Linux-Infotag Augsburg de in Augsburg, Germany by Linux User Group Augsburg (LUGA)
26-28 UnFUCK en/de in Furtwangen, Germany by UnFUG Furtwangen


01-05 BachoTeX en in Brodnica, Poland by GUST
04 Open Education Day en/fr/de in Bern, Switzerland by CH Open
04 GuIT 2024 it in Brescia, Italy by GuIT
08-11 Art Meets Radical Openness en in Vienna, Austria by
09-12 Libre Graphics Meeting en/fr in Rennes, France
10-11 Drupal Iberia en/pt/es in Évora, Portugal by Spanish Drupal Association and Porguguese Drupal Association
14-21 Mini DebConf Berlin en/de in Berlin, Germany
15-19 DORS/CLUC en in Zagreb, Croatia by HrOpen & Hulk
22-26 Nostroots Collective en in Berlin, Germany by Trustroots
23-24 JSHeroes 2024 in Cluj, Romania by Volunteers
24-25 Congreso esLibre es in Valencia, Spain by GNU/Linux València
30-02 22. Gulaschprogrammiernacht en/de in Karlsruhe, Germany by Entropia e.V. - CCC Karlsruhe
30-02 Electromagnetic Field en in Eastnor, United Kingdom by Volunteers
31-05 GNOME ♥️ Rust 2024 en in Thessaloniki, Greece by GNOME Hackers


01-02 T-DOSE nl/en in Geldrop, the Netherlands
03-06 Open Repositories Conference en in Gothenborg, Sweden by Volunteers
03-07 CiviCamp en/de in Hamburg, Germany by SYSTOPIA, FlyingCivi
04 APELL Conference 2024 en in Berlin, Germany by Open Source Business Alliance (OSBA)
05-06 Icinga Summit 2024 en in Berlin, Germany by Icinga GmbH
05-09 en in Vigo, Spain by Volunteers
08 DrupalCamp Cemaes en in Cemaes, United Kingdom by Jeni Tehan, Delicious Creative
09-11 Berlin Buzzwords en in Berlin, Germany by Plain Schwarz
10 Rencontres Professionnelles du Logiciel Libre fr in Lyon, France by Ploss-Ra
11-12 OW2Con'24 en in Paris, France
13 OpenExpo Europe 2024 in Madrid, Spain by Eventos Open Source y Software Libre
13-15 WCEU en in Torino, Italy by WordCamp Europe volunteer organising team
13-15 DevConf.CZ in Brno, Czech Republic
17-19 OpenRefine BarCamp en in Berlin, Germany
18-19 stackconf 2024 en in Berlin, Germany by NETWAYS Event Services
20-21 Open Identity Summit in Oporto, Portugal by Fraunhofer AICOS
21-22 Opensouthcode es in Malaga, Spain
22 Tübix de in Tübingen, Germany by Individual Organisers
27-28 Swiss PGDay 2024 en/de in Rapperswil, Switzerland by Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group
27-29 oSC en in Nuremberg, Germany by openSUSE
28-30 Chaos Singularity 2024 fr/de/it in Biel, Switzerland


01-07 FOSS4G Europe en in Tartu, Estonia by Volunteers
03-05 Pass the SALT en in Lille, France
05-07 Hack the Earth ca/es in Calafou, Spain by Calafou
09-13 Hacken Open Air de in Gifhorn, Germany by stratum 0
09-13 JuliaCon en in Eindhoven, the Netherlands by Volunteers
17-24 BornHack en in Island of Funen, Denmark by BornHack ApS
19-21 TUG 2024 en in Prague, Czech Republic by TUG
24-27 HaxoGreen en in Dudelange/Luxembourg, Europe by HaxoGreen a.s.b.l.
27 How.Camp 2024 Gabrovo bg/en in Gabrovo, Bulgaria


17-18 FrOSCon 19 de in Sankt Augustin, Germany by FrOSCon e.V.
17-23 ConTeXt meeting en in Lutten, the Netherlands by context group, Ton Otten
28-01 Håck ma's Castle de in Ottenschlag, Austria
30-01 SeeZeit 2024 de in Mainhausen, Germany by Chaos Computer Club Frankfurt e.V.


02-05 Workshop-Tage en/de in Rotkreuz, Switzerland by CH Open
05-07 RIOT summit en in Vienna, Austria
07 BayTeX de in Neu-Ulm, Germany by Leah Neukirchen
07-12 Akademy 2024 en in Würzburg, Germany by KDE e.V.
12 10. Bitkom Forum Open Source de in Erfurt, Germany by Bitkom e.V.
12-13 Ember{{fest}} en in Dublin, Ireland by Joschka Kintscher, Mainmatter, Balint Erdi
13 PGDay Lowlands en in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
19-21 Kielux de in Kiel, Germany by Kielux
19-22 The Matrix Conference en in Berlin, Germany by The Foundation
20-22 Datenspuren en/de in Dresden, Germany by C3D2 team
20-22 BalCCon2k24 en in Novi Sad, Serbia
21 Software Freedom Day Brussels en/fr in Brussels, Belgium by HSBXL
25-26 All Systems Go! en in Berlin, Germany
25-27 FOSS4G BE+NL 2024 nl/en/fr in Baarle-Hertog (B) & Baarle-Nassau (NL), Belgium by OSGEO.BE & OSGEO.NL
26-28 OmniOpenCon en in Bucharest, Romania
26-29 Hackmeeting (es) es in Gaztaño (Orereta), Spain
28 GNU/LinuxDay in Vorarlberg de in Dornbirn, Austria by Linux User Group Vorarlberg
28 LinuxDay de in Dornbirn, Austria by Linux user Group Vorarlberg (


03-06 MRMCD en/de in Darmstadt, Germany by MRMCD e.V.
09-11 EuroRust en in Vienna, Austria by Mainmatter
10-12 LibreOffice Conference en in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, Belgium by Volunteers
11-12 Festa do Software Livre pt in Aveiro, Portugal
12 GuIT meeting 2024 it in Brescia, Italy by GuIT
12-13 OggCamp en in Manchester, United Kingdom by OggCamp team


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